The Science & Safety Behind Your Favorite Cosmetics Products

Have you ever wondered how to read the label on your daily moisturizer or wanted to know more about the history of cosmetics? That’s why the Personal Care Products Council and its member companies created

For nearly a decade, has been an in-depth resource for consumers who want to learn more about the science behind cosmetics, personal care products, and their ingredients. It provides factual science-based information on cosmetics and ingredient safety.

This blog was specifically created to be a helpful resource as you explore and all it has to offer. Here, you’ll learn about educational videos and infographics, in addition to the more than 1,850 ingredients we’ve organized by product category to help demystify the science of beauty.

As a consumer, you have a right to know what ingredients are in the products you use and love. From toothpaste to lipstick, we’re here to guide you through common questions.