Dimethyl Myristamine

What Is It?

Dimethyl Stearamine, Dimethyl Lauramine, Dimethyl Myristamine, Dimethyl Palmitamine, Dimethyl Behenamine, Dimethyl Cocamine, Dimethyl Tallowamine, Dimethyl Hydrogenated Tallowamine and Dimethyl Soyamine are antistatic agents used in non-coloring hair care products.

Why Is It Used?

Dimethyl Stearamine and the related ingredients are used in hair care products to prevent or inhibit the buildup of static electricity.

Scientific Facts

Dimethyl Stearamine and the related ingredients may also be used as corrosion inhibitors. Some studies also suggest that Dimethyl Stearamine and Dimethyl Lauramine have antibacterial and fungicidal activities.

Safety Information

The safety of Dimethyl Stearamine, Dimethyl Lauramine, Dimethyl Myristamine, Dimethyl Palmitamine, Dimethyl Behenamine, Dimethyl Cocamine, Dimethyl Tallowamine, Dimethyl Hydrogenated Tallowamine and Dimethyl Soyamine have been assessed by the Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) Expert Panel. The CIR Expert Panel evaluated the scientific data and concluded that these ingredients were safe as currently used in non-coloring hair care products.

CIR Safety Review:

The CIR Expert Panel reviewed data that indicated that a dose of Dimethyl Lauramine higher than doses resulting from the use of these ingredients in hair care products did not cause reproductive and developmental toxicity. Dimethyl Stearamine and Dimethyl Lauramine were not genotoxic in bacteria. At concentrations used in hair care products, Dimethyl Stearamine was not a dermal irritant and it did not cause dermal sensitization. Based on the available data and the limited exposure from the use of these ingredients in hair care products, the CIR Expert Panel concluded that Dimethyl Stearamine, Dimethyl Lauramine, Dimethyl Myristamine, Dimethyl Palmitamine, Dimethyl Behenamine, Dimethyl Cocamine, Dimethyl Tallowamine, Dimethyl Hydrogenated Tallowamine and Dimethyl Soyamine are safe as currently used in non-coloring hair care products. Dimethyl Stearamine and the related ingredients are tertiary amines.

In the European Union these ingredients may be used with the following restrictions: they may be used in non-rinse-off products at a maximum authorized concentration of 2.5%; no concentration limit has been set for rinse-off products. In all products these ingredients should not be used in nitrosating systems, they must have a minimum purity of 99% with a maximum secondary amine content of 0.5% and a maximum nitrosamine content of 50 microg/kg. Products containing these ingredients must be kept in nitrite-free containers.

Link to the EU Cosmetic Regulation: http://europa.eu/legislation_summaries/consumers/product_labelling_and_p…

More information about nitrosamines.

More Scientific Information

Dimethyl Stearamine, Dimethyl Lauramine, Dimethyl Myristamine, Dimethyl Palmitamine, Dimethyl Behenamine, Dimethyl Cocamine, Dimethyl Tallowamine, Dimethyl Hydrogenated Tallowamine and Dimethyl Soyamine are tertiary aliphatic amines. In cosmetics and personal care products, these ingredients function as antistatic agents.


EU Cosmetic Ingredients Inventory http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/cosmetics/cosing/

Search the FDA Code of Federal Regulations http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cdrh/cfdocs/cfcfr/cfrsearch.cfm