Cetyl Palmitate
Safety Information
Expert Panel for Cosmetic Ingredient Safety
The safety of the palmitates has been assessed by the Expert Panel for Cosmetic Ingredient Safety. The Expert Panel evaluated the scientific data and concluded that ethylhexyl palmitate, cetyl palmitate and isopropyl palmitate were safe as cosmetic ingredients. In 2005, the Expert Panel considered available new data on ethylhexyl, cetyl and isopropyl palmitate and reaffirmed the above conclusion. An additional review of ethylhexyl palmitate was conducted by the Expert Panel in 2015 as part of their safety assessment of 237 alkyl esters, concluding that all of these ingredients (including ethylhexyl palmitate) are safe in cosmetic formulations in the present practices of use and concentration when formulated to be nonirritating.
The Expert Panel concluded that the palmitates would be expected to be nontoxic in view of their hydrolysis to palmitic acid and to the corresponding alcohols. Dermal acute and subchronic studies with the palmitates did not show evidence of toxicity. Eye irritation tests on the palmitates produced either very slight ocular irritation or none at all.
Human skin tests with the palmitates and with products containing the palmitates were reviewed. One of three products containing 40%-50% ethylhexyl palmitate produced mild irritation. Moisturizers containing 2.5%-2.7% cetyl palmitate were minimally irritating and produced no signs of sensitization, phototoxicity or photo-contact allergenicity. Undiluted isopropyl palmitate was minimally irritating and was reported to be a “weak potential sensitizer” of the “lowest grade.” A bath oil product containing 45.6% isopropyl palmitate produced no signs of irritation, sensitization, phototoxicity, or photo contact allergenicity.
The Expert Panel noted that ethylhexyl palmitate was not tested at concentrations above 50% for skin irritation and no data on sensitization or phototoxicity were available for this ingredient. Clinical data on cetyl palmitate were limited to concentrations of 2.7%. Based on the available data, the Expert Panel concluded that ethylhexyl palmitate, cetyl palmitate, and isopropyl palmitate were safe as cosmetic ingredients.
Ethylhexyl, detyl and isopropyl palmitate may be used in without restrictions in cosmetic products marketed in the EU according to the general provisions of the Cosmetics Regulation of the European UnionUnder the general provisions of the cosmetics regulation of the EU, ingredients appearing on the following function-specific annexes must comply with the listed restrictions and/or specifications: colorants (Annex IV), preservatives (Annex V), UV filters (Annex VI) and other ingredients with specific concentration limits and/or other restrictions (Annex III). Ingredients specifically prohibited from use in cosmetic products are listed in Annex II. Other ingredients listed in the EU cosmetic ingredient database (CosIng) may be used without restrictions..