What Is It?
Aldioxa occurs as a white powder. In cosmetics and personal care products, Aldioxa was reported to be used in the formulation of eyeliners, eye shadows, mascaras, face powders and foundations.
Why Is It Used?
Aldioxa has been reported to function as a cosmetic astringentIngredients that induce a tightening or tingling sensation of the skin. and a skin conditioning agent – miscellaneous.
Scientific Facts
Aldioxa is prepared from allantoin, a botanical extract of the comfrey plant, and aluminum hydroxide, to yield either a wet slurry or a dry blend.
Safety Information
The safety of Aldioxa has been assessed by the Cosmetic Ingredient ReviewThe Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) was established in 1976 as an independent safety review program for cosmetic ingredients. The CIR Expert Panel consists of independent experts in dermatology, toxicology, pharmacolgy and veterinary medicine. The CIR includes participation by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration and the Consumer Federation of America. (CIR) Expert Panel. The CIR Expert Panel evaluated the scientific data and concluded that additional data were needed to support the safety of Aldioxa.
CIR Safety Review: All of the toxicologic parameters investigated in a 94-day subchronic feeding study with Aldioxa were similar in the test and the control group. No significant adverse results were obtained in a three generation study with 10% Aldioxa in the diet. A suspension containing 25% Aldioxa was not a sensitizer when applied to the back.
Intradermal injections of a 2% Aldioxa suspension on alternating days for a total of 10 applications with challenge after a 10-day nontreatment period also did not result in sensitization. A hydrophilic ointment containing 4% Aldioxa was neither an irritant nor a sensitizer when evaluated on 200 human volunteers. The CIR Expert Panel concluded that additional data, such as data on genotoxicity and phototoxicity were needed to complete the safety assessment of Aldioxa. Aldioxa may be used in cosmetics and personal care products marketed in Europe according to the general provisions of the Cosmetics Regulation of the European UnionUnder the general provisions of the cosmetics regulation of the EU, ingredients appearing on the following function-specific annexes must comply with the listed restrictions and/or specifications: colorants (Annex IV), preservatives (Annex V), UV filters (Annex VI) and other ingredients with specific concentration limits and/or other restrictions (Annex III). Ingredients specifically prohibited from use in cosmetic products are listed in Annex II. Other ingredients listed in the EU cosmetic ingredient database (CosIng) may be used without restrictions..
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More Scientific Information
Aldioxa is a heterocyclic organic compoundA compound that contains carbon and hydrogen and usually other elements such as nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen.. In cosmetics and personal care products, Aldioxa functions as an astringent and skin conditioning agent – miscellaneous.
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